Run on sentence. A comma splice is a sentence that uses a comma when it should instead be either a colon, semicolon, or conjunction, and there is no comma so that is wrong. There should also be a period between bed and he. Here is what the complete senctwnces would look like: My dog sleeps beside my bed. He wakes me up in the middle of the night to let him out.
The congress man is kissing the ring of the NRA lobbyist and it shows that the NRA has more influence of the congress man and NRA provides the money for funding and whatever the NRA says the congress man has to do it to get the money so it's A the safe because with out funding from a big influence the congress can't get what they need.
All of it is a great way to keep up the good things about ya and your life and I wanna see ya next week ya too see ya
What is the best food?
What is one food you'd eat for the rest of your life if you could only eat one thing?
What is America made out of?
1=gets the audience attention
2=Gives audience a reason to listen
3=begins with in addition or next
4=A quotation that illustrates your overall point
5=invites the audience to listen