Canadian Shield, Hudson Bay Lowlands, St. Lawrence Lowlands
Hudson has a very low population in the north, St lawrnece region has most the population in the south, and the most agriculture, the Canadian shield is heavy in natural resources like boreal forests and minerals, so large scale operations to extract these resources occur more there. Most people want to live in the city, further south where its warmer and you dont live next to clearcutting operations and coal mines.
the earth rotates about it's axis,just as a top spins around it's spindle.the earth rotates from the north pole to the south takes 24hours for the earth to make one complete rotation.
The terms shortwave and longwave radiation refer to the wavelength of the radiation, which is the distance from the crest of one wave to the crest of another. The wavelength reflects the energy of the wave. Longwave radiation is less energetic, while shortwave has more energy. Longwave radiation has even longer wavelengths than red light in the visible spectrum, while ultraviolet radiation has wavelengths shorter even than the shortest violet visible light.
Ultraviolet is not the only kind of shortwave radiation; in fact, it is the shortwave radiation closest to visible light on the electromagnetic spectrum. X rays and gamma rays have far shorter wavelengths and thus are more energetic. Infrared radiation is the type of the longwave radiation that is closest to the visible spectrum. Radiation with much longer wavelengths than infrared light include microwaves and radio waves.
The Sun produces its own radiation since it is a body that is much more massive and with a much higher temperature than the Earth. Because of this, the radiation emitted from the Sun is mostly shortwave radiation. The Earth emits radiation as well, but it is infrared radiation emitted in the form of heat that is not visible to human eyes.
The base level is the lower limit of the erosional process and the ultimate base level is the plains that result from the projection of sea level under the landmass. This process of erosion creates a peneplain.
The base level is dynamic and changes according to the following factors as sea-level changes, tectonic factors, river captures, and sedimentation.
Peneplinasare low featureless deposits that are created by the terminus of the dream where the sediments are merged with the sea.