The authorities are basically saying that justice wont be served to ANYONE until people that are not affected by whatever are just as affected as people that are.
FoR eXaMpLe :
If my mom grounds me for something i do and it wasn't only my fault it was also my brother and sister then the affects of my punishment will affect my siblings or at least should because of guilt. And if i'm learning my lesson and my siblings/UNAFFECTED are not than i will not get unpunished/ <u>justice</u> nor will they.
Cant answer first question there not enough information.
Maybe your saying is that your school has poor system and development because your located in small or poor area.
That's right but your teachers are very confident to teach you even if the school is not very nice. But what makes the school a star is the hardworking and intelligence of teachers to teach every student so you'll have a wonderful grade and bright future.
So never mind about that just learn and understand so someday when you grown up and becone rich your going to help the school to become better than you remember