freedom to make decisions
electronic mail and telephone
face-to-face discussions
B. As a risk-averse investor
B. As a risk-averse investor is a correct option . Risk-averse investors can invest in higher risk opportunity only if it offers higher expected return .
Don't communicate and do stuff without considering what other people would want
10% of exam score
Opportunity Cost is the cost of next best alternative, foregone (sacrifised) while making a choice.
Example : If a person has option to have an apple or an orange, & choses to have apple. The opportunity cost of having an apple is the sacrifised orange.
Given : A night before mid time exam, spent while watching movies - later lead to fall in exam grade from 70 % to 60%
The opportunity cost of movies watched, is the sacrifised grade of exam, which would have gotten, if the time would have spent in studying. The corresponding grade lost = 70% grade achievable - 60% grade achieved. Hence, the opportunity cost = 10% of exam score.
I donno
i have wasted 130 dollars at fortnite and i am brome