Dad, deliver, diaper, donkey, dust
The fickleness of fortune, the temporary nature of its generosity and interest in a man is what the monk wants to warn the others. And in his tale, the Monk reveals that one trait of Fortune is that she whimsically supports and then changes her mind about the person she favors without no warning.
Oh, I loved the book Wonder!
“Like a lamb to the slaughter” refers to Auggie having been home-schooled by his parents in an effort to protect him from the taunts and bullying that comes with having a terrible facial deformity. But Auggie's Mum decides it's time for him to taste the real world. But his Dad refers to the sentence « Like a lamb to the slaughter ». Meaning they’ll be putting August in danger, or in a dangerous and different environment.
In other words: “Like a lamb to the slaughter” refers to Auggie having been home-schooled by his parents in an effort to protect him from the taunts and bullying that comes with having a terrible facial deformity.
I hope you like the book as much as me!