Because tv shows are normally a little lower budget than movies. And obviously movies are longer
conserving natural vegetation will maintain the balance in our ecosystems.
Erving Goffmam believes that humans generally in their behaviors is usually influence by their relationship and personal happening. Regionalization has to do with the breakdown of a whole unit into subunits for ease (decentralization).
Erving stated that a person always tries to create a new version of himself/ herself(an impression) of what he or she wants the other person to think of himor her during a conversation. He believes that we are like actors projecting different roles and trying to project an image to the public about us. Regionalization helps us to focus on that aspect we are good. Goffman stated that hamans generally like to project that positive part of their life they want people to see so as to quide people's opinion especially that positive angle of themselves.
Answer: Option C
One of the main reason why we do maintenance or why we maintain the status of something is because of its values , we want to appreciate the value that is why we maintain properties and things pertaining to us.
To the question, relaying a well maintained yard will convey a general nature of externality of it for its value , a well maintained yard will beautify the surrounding buildings, of course we cant have a yard without a building, it beautifies a building, it showcases it real market value. In conclusion, a well maintained yard will increase a home market value to be appreciated.
c.) hawthorne effect
The Hawthorne effect is regarded as the phenomenon in which the subjects in behavioral studies tend to change their performance in response to being observed.
It is always counter productive in terms of result because it is hard to study when results are biased, the participants knew they were being studied.
Due to the individuals knowledge that they are being studied, most times it produces not exactly the result it should.