False, the bill of rights is the first ten amendments to the constitution not the first seven.
Some long-term effects that occurred after the Civil War were the abolishment of slavery, the formation of blacks' rights, industrialization and new innovations. The Northern states were not reliant on plantations and farms; instead they were reliant on industr
One reason why the industrial revolution began in England is because that country had a large manpower population that was ready to be mobilized. Another reason was that they had lots of resources.
The Berlin wall was a barrier that existed from 1961 to 1989 throughout conflict and separated East and city district. It symbolized the distinction between western democrats and jap communists (end of soviet domination) and therefore the method they thought FRG ought to be lead. Fall of Berlin wall could be a major event in European history. The policies of restructuring and openness initiated by soviet leader Mikhail opened the trail for the destruction of the symbolic physical barrier.