It was do to evangilism so its on Africa.
The period 600 CE to 1450 CE is characterized by the opening of important trade routes between the world known then: Europe, Asia and Africa mainly. The intensification of trade implied a spread of languages, culture (religion) and customs of different peoples. With trade, products and diseases were also exchanged that made the revision of local beliefs and traditions necessary and permanent. To reconfigure the forces of power in those times, innovation was important and in many cases the adoption of religious systems or institutions was a good start for the reorganization of declining societies that should flourish after the fall of the great world empires.
C. Ruled by a King or Queen
The main idea of the Trail of Tears in 1838 and 1839 was to force the Cherokee nation to give up its land in the Mississippi river and migrate to present Oklahoma, as part of Andrew Jackson's Indian removal policy, this way the white settlers could grow cotton on the Indians land. It is important to learn about it to enforce the laws and protect the rest of the indigenous civilization in modern days