Answer: معنى يقتفي, تعريف يقتفي في قاموس المعاني الفوري مجال البحث مصطلحات المعجم الوسيط ... أمثلة سياقية | مصطلحات | كلمات ذات صلة | كلمات قريبة ... هو قَ
Mozhete li da obyasnite tova, za da moga da vi pomogna, zashtoto sega ne razbiram.
Please, i need help,,,,,,,,,
yKpoI14uk [10]
1 cunning
2 charming
3 Defiant
4 charming
5 cunning
6 Defiant
7.Write about a time where you may have seen someone being sneaky. Such as deceiving someone else.
8.Write about a time where you may have seen some who seems nice and you like them. But most people like them aswell. This person is charming.
9. Write about a time where you saw someone who is not listening to authority. They may be breaking the rules.
Cunning means to be sly or sneaky like a fox.
Charming means to be a person that people will be drawn to. People usually like people who are charming.
Defiant in this context means to disobey orders.
it should be avoided the informal tone