He is presented as a loyal and heroic warrior who had no apparent lust for power. However, the flames of ambition could be seen when he uttered "tell me more" after the witches prophecy. The prophecy, however, is half finished and he is responsible for finishing it off himself. Thus, the main plot is set in motion and is a chilling foreshadowing of the influence of power and the corruption it has, even on a "good" person like Macbeth. Macbeth is seriously conflicted between a number of possibilities. He seriously considers letting fate take its course ("If chance would have me king, why then let chance crown me."), taking agressive action ("Prince of Cumberland! That is a step on which I must fall down or else o'erleap for in my way it lies."), and doing nothing and disregarding the prophecy ("We shall proceed no further in this business.") What drives him to commit the murder is not "vaulting ambition" but his fear that his wife will consider him less than manly.
Anita is angry with her mom.
This is difficult, as all of the answers seem very possible. From the information given, the only one that is for certain is the final option. I feel that the most appropriate answer is D (Anita is angry with her mom).
Based on the stage directions, An alien
does "Figure One"
Maple Street is full of children playing and adults chatting as the shadow falls, followed by a blanket and a burst of colour. Everybody knows, however they believe r]]] and easily restart their tasks. The inhabitants quickly learned that their electricity had gone off, impacting stoves, lawn mowers, vehicles and computers. They're meeting in the street to address the case. Pete Van Horn, pounded in his bib caps, volunteers to move across to Floral Lane, on the next lane, and see whether it's influenced as well. His friends, Steve Brand and Charlie Farnsworth, plan to go to town, but Tommy, a neighbourhood child, encourages them not to go.
Tommy has read the stories of an alien invasion that has created similar issues, so he claims the aliens don't want anybody out of the driveway. Tommy continues that in the plot, aliens are acting as a family that seems to be human, but are explorers, and the power loss that they create is intended to divide the community. The adults are incredulous, assuring him that the trigger is normal, probably the product of sunspots. Charlie wondered whether Pete Van Horn was able to make it to Floral Road.