This study used linkable administrative databases housed at the Manitoba Centre for Health Policy (MCHP). The original cohort consisted of 17,115 women born in Manitoba between April 1, 1979 and March 31, 1994, who stayed in the province until at least their 20th birthday, had at least one older sister, and had no missing values on key variables. Propensity score matching (1:2) was used to create balanced cohorts for two conditional logistic regression models; one examining the impact of an older sister’s teenage pregnancy and the other analyzing the effect of the mother’s teenage childbearing.
So that you don't drift off from the topic and to make it nice and simple
no,he didn’t. Am I correct? XD
Tellez effectively creates a suspenseful atmosphere and setting to lay out the theme first by establishing to the reader and “the man” are not allies (something seemingly not known by “the man”, then adding to it by his masterful use of contrast. Tellez clearly establishes that the two characters are not on the same side when the narrator remarks to himself, “He went on talking. He evidently took it for granted that I was on the side of the existing regime.” (Tellez, 1). This occurs when Captain Torres (“the man”) enters the shop requesting a shave and begins discussing his plans for the captured rebels. Furthermore, this assessment by the narrator also makes apparent that he thinks Torres does not know he is not oh his side. By doing this, tension and suspense is generated between the two characters, although it appears that only one is aware of what has transpired.