Difference between Representative Democracy
Representative Democracy is a government system, in which a representative group of people elected (chosen) by general public - are in power.
a) People elect small group in power, b) Those few <u>public elected</u> people directly exercise power, c) Government positions are open to many people, d) Anyone can run for office - whosoever chosen by public comes in power : are characteristics of representative democracy, not of oligarchy
Oligarchy is a type of government, in which a small group of powerful people (powerful due to wealth, education, religion, military link etc) - are in power & the power tends to stay with them.
Oligarchy is run by a small group of powerful people, <u>not elected</u> by general public. Only those few powerful people exercise direct or indirect power - as they are not public representatives. Government positions are not open to many people, anyone cant run office, as the power tends to stay accumulated in that powerful group's hands.
God created heaven and the earth the sea and sky and all animals read the Bible genesis 1
the answer to your question is B. Great Britain
With the Continental Drift theory.