I'm gonna say A) Allen considers whether to tell the truth.
If you havent learned the different forms of conflict. Here are the four main types. Man vs. Man, Man vs. Nature, Man vs. Self, and Man vs. Society.
For internal conflict, it would be Man vs. Man. Aka, the character Allen is struggling to themself, thinking on whether or not they should tell the truth.
Letter B would be Man vs. Nature
letter C would be Man vs. Man
and Letter D, depending on the context of the story, would either contain no conflict or would be Man vs. Society.
This is just my educated guess by the way. But I'm 90% sure the answer is A.
White Fang is the main character of the book. His mother was half wolf, half dog. His father was full wolf. He starts his life in the wild, but becomes more and more of a dog after he and Kiche, his mother, go to the Indian camp. He is naturally quite strong and agile, but other dogs and humans are mean to him so he turns these skills into fighting skills, becoming fierce and unloved. It is only when he meets Scott, the first human to ever show kindness to him, that his character changes and he becomes a loving dog.
Number c becaus nowadays woman do not do many jobs that men do,
she want her mama to do with it as she pleases