<span>Before launching the craft on 11 April 1970, several experiments wer made in oder better knowlegde and experience to be gained for the mission. The experiments included launching free-flying vehiclesto simulate landing on the Moon's surface. The Astronauts made simulations inside NASA facilities to be better prepared for the space.</span>
That black people (not just slaves) had no rights in america and their fore couldn't even bring a law suit.
Frederick Douglass hoped in the future there would be
equality for all races. To achieve this dream, Douglass believed that education
was the key to attaining equality and bright future for Black Americans. Though Andrew Jackson was a slave holder, he
too had hopes for the future of the United States. This was through expansion. Jackson believed that it was America’s
destiny to rule over the entire continent.
This was later carried out by President Polk who promoted westward
They played with the bodies of there enemys and create various tools with tbere bones.
<span>The Danger of Factions
</span><span>The Preservation of the Union.
</span><span>Religion and Morality
</span><span>America’s Role in the World</span>