beginning, pushed by Stern, or only or only when he received the ring was he sure he haddone the right thing?Did Oskar ever really realize how much he had done?Okay I already answered this question in the other parts.Obviously we had to use it asthorough evidence for other questions.The things that Schindler saw that helped him understandthe horror of the situation were cruelty used during the liquidation of Krakow, the girl in redwandering among the violence, and seeing her dead, burnt body in the death camp.Oskar wasnot dedicated form the beginning.As I already answered before, he was selfish and only caredabout the prosperity of his business.He paid no mind to the injustice happening around him andwent about happily supporting the Nazi Party.I feel like he barely cared about the hints Sternwas giving him about wanting to help the Jews.But soon after he brushed that off is when heencountered the liquidation of Krakow and the girl in red.Then he began listening to Stern andmaking a begrudging effort.As time went by, he realised what he was actually doing.Savinglives and that’s when he went all in.He spent all of his money on Jews, even though Stern wastelling him how expensive it was going to be.I think Schindler felt like he was doing the rightthing but still doubted himself slightly. Receiving the ring at the end of the film was hisreassurance.That was another aha moment for him because he started realising what kind ofpower he had as a wealthy Nazi.He started pointing out all the luxuries he kept like jewelry,clothes, and his car.I don’t think he realised just how much he’d done.All he could think aboutis how much further he could’ve taken his efforts.Hopefully later in his life he realised thatthousands of descendents would live because of him
The question of “did women have a renaissance” is not something that has not been asked before. In 1977 Joan Kelly wrote an essay addressing this question specifically. In the Renaissance, when the political systems changed from the Medieval feudal systems, women of every social class saw a change in their social and political options that men did not. Celibacy became the female norm and "the relations of the sexes were restructured to one of female dependency and male domination" (Kelly 20). Women lived the life of the underlying sex. Men ruled over everything, even through half a century of Queens.
“When England was ruled for half a century by Queens but women had almost no legal power; When marriage, a women’s main vocation, cost them their personal property rights; when the ideal women was rarely seen and never heard in public; when the clothes a women wore were legally dictated by her social class; when almost all school teachers were men; when medicine was prepared and purified at home; when corsets were
constructed of wood and cosmetics made of bacon and eggs; when only half of all babies survived to adulthood?" (Hull 15).
The above passage says a lot about women in the Renaissance. The role of women was a very scarce role. Women were supposed to be seen and not heard. Rarely seen at that. Women were to be prim and proper, the ideal women. Females were able to speak their minds but their thoughts and ideas were shaped by men. Mostly everything women did had input given by men. Women were controlled by her parents from the day she is born until the day she is married, then she would be handed directly to her husband so he could take over that role. In the time of the renaissance women were considered to legally belong to their husbands. Women were supposed to be typical ‘housewives.'
I hope this helps.... I got it offline tho so u prob gonna have to paraphrase
The Chinese interpreted their divine power by believing that their power was something temporary and they would base this on signs.
can you translate it in English