The British victory in the French and Indian War had a great impact on the British Empire. Firstly, it meant a great expansion of British territorial claims in the New World. But the cost of the war had greatly enlarged Britain's debt.
June 18th the president signed a declaration of war against Britain.
The day of ratification for the treaty of Ghent was February 1st.
The act o f seizing shipments for public use or impressing into public service is known as Impressment.
The war of 1812 was also called the second war of Independence.
TheOrders in Council required neutral countries to obtain a license from its authorities before trading with France.
I believe that it caused many native americans to give up their land and force to go another territory. This migration was known as the Trail of Tears which cause many native americas to die along the way
Native Americans learnt to survive by relying on the natural resources available to them for food, clothing, and shelter. Early Americans, for example, survived in the icy areas of the far north by hunting caribou in the summer and marine animals in the winter.
Rawanda- The United Nations sent a peacekeeping force in order to try to limit the fallout from the civil war and genocide taking place in the country. They were somewhat ineffective, due to few troops on the ground, limited authorization for using force, and the overwhelming amount of violence occurring.
Tienanmen Square- The international community condemned China for its brutal use of force against student protesters in the country. Sanctions were also employed, and China found itself briefly exiled from the diplomatic community. Ultimately, China was too important an economic and security partner for the world to shun. Little has changed in terms of human rights in the country following the incident.
Citizens like me can read and become informed. We in the United States are able to choose our leaders, an incredible privilege and globally important responsibility, due to our nation's status in the world. Given this fact, we should be the most informed citizens in the world; we are not. A more informed citizenry would elect leaders whose ideas are at least based on intimate knowledge of the issues, regardless of whether or not everyone agrees with those ideas.