- tengo un bate: Juega Béisbol
- No tengo un balón: Juega i don't know any sport dont need a ball
- tengo una raqueta: Juega Tenis
- Tengo una pelota: Juega futbol
- No tengo una bola: the same as 2
I don't understand why they say that Balón was different than Pelota or Bola. IT'S THE SAME THING my first lenguage is spanish
It depends, what is on the list? If "playing, dancing, or singing " is on there than here you go:
-Angel and Lupita are playing.
-Angel and Lupita are dancing.
-Angel and Lupita are singing.
Because afeitar is a reflexive verb, it is a verb in which the action is being done to someone else rather than someone simply doing an action.
El avión <u> aterriza </u> cuando llega a su destino.