Climate- can decide if crops can grow or not; essential for economy.
Geography- for example, if the country has many beaches, it can influence economy by deciding that it (country) is a tropical getaway
Population- decides how much money there is; a couple of wealthy people to millions of poor people
One owns the young offspring if he owns the mother.
The given line represents the doctrine which was created in ancient times. The sentence is, "Legal evil lives where the brood follows the dam."
Here, the word 'dam' means the mother while 'brood' means their off springs.
This doctrine determines the ownership of the animals and cattle such as bull, horses, etc.
It means that if anybody owns the mother that is the 'dam', he also owns the offspring, the 'broods'.
In the year 1842, the US Supreme court also extended this doctrine to humans saying that any slave born to slaves will also be a slave for life even if slavery is banned in that state.
Opaque means it's not see through, not clear, or transparent
Henry Ford
That's one I can think of.
Maybe Albert Einstein but I don't know if they'll accept him.
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