I believe it would be unbiased
Trumps bias against Kim jung un
There are many differences between schools all around the world. In America we are graded on a scale from 1-100, but in mexico they are graded on a scale from 1-10. There are some all boys or all girls schools in america but in iran boys and girls go to separate schools. Giving a the thumbs up means that the student is doing pretty good in many countries (U.S., Australia, Russia, Finland, Egypt, and Israel); however, the same response in Bangladesh, Iran, or Thailand might mean a trip to the principal’s office. While students in America do have a lot of homework per week (about 6 hours), school children in Russia have the most homework per week (nearly 10 hours) and also the highest literacy rate in the world. There are a lot of differences between schools all around the world, but that's what makes them all unique.
Answer: My response
Troops are effictive in minimizing the threat of angry protesters, pemobs etc, through tactics such as blocking/holding back crowds, etc
They are often used in the events of a crisis, such as a war or natural disaster to aid with medical care, food distrubution, and other services
Especially in oppressive regimes, troops might abuse their rights and use their influence to coerce innocent people to give them money, etc. They might also cause outrage by taking actions such as beating up, teargassing, killing, or mass arresting protesters
Troops may use their power to attempt coups, throwing off the stability of a countries govt.
Sorry for the spelling errors,