1. He was a multi-talented thinker:
Jefferson was an inventor, lawyer and educator. He graduated from the University of William and Mary at the age of 18, two years after he enrolled in 1762. He was the designer of Monticello, the Virginia State Capital and The Rotunda at the University of Virginia among other notable buildings. His influential style has become known as “Jeffersonian Architecture”. Monticello and The Rotunda are both World Heritage Sites.
2. He loved to play:
As a boy, the freckle-faced Jefferson played with his friends on the land where he would eventually build Monticello. He would explore the woods, creeks and streams.
3. He was an early archaeologist:
He had the bones of a mastodon, an animal from 40 million years ago that looked a bit like an elephant, sent to him at the White House. He laid the bones out in what is now known as the East Room in an attempt to build a skeleton.
4: He loved vanilla ice cream:
<span>He probably first tasted ice cream while traveling in France. He brought home a recipe for it, which is now in the Library of Congress.</span>
5: What he was most proud of:
Now that you know how much Jefferson loved to read and to write and how much he valued knowledge, here is what is inscribed at his grave: “Here was buried Thomas Jefferson, Author of the Declaration of Independence, of the Statute of Virginia for religious freedom and Father of the University of Virginia.”
Answer:El Colegio Electoral es el cuerpo de compromisarios electos encargado de elegir al presidente y al vicepresidente de los Estados Unidos. Desde 1964 el Colegio Electoral tiene 538 electores.1El colegio electoral de cada estado emite su voto el primer lunes siguiente al segundo miércoles de diciembre, y las dos cámaras del Congreso cuentan y verifican oficialmente los resultados definitivos la primera semana de enero. El colegio electoral es un ejemplo de elección indirecta.
En lugar de votar directamente al presidente y vicepresidente, los ciudadanos de Estados Unidos emiten sus votos para los electores. Los electores son técnicamente libres de votar a favor de cualquier persona elegible para ser presidente, pero en la práctica se comprometen a votar por candidatos específicos.2 Los votantes emiten sus votos a favor de los candidatos presidenciales y vicepresidenciales al votar por los electores correspondiente a prometer su voto.3La mayoría de los estados permiten a los votantes elegir entre las listas de electores del estado que se comprometieron a votar a favor del candidato presidencial y vicepresidencial de varios partidos; el candidato que recibe la mayoría de los votos del estado 'gana' todos los votos emitidos por los electores de ese estado. Las campañas presidenciales estadounidenses se concentran en ganar el voto popular en una combinación de los Estados que opten por una mayoría de los electores, en lugar de hacer campaña para ganar el mayor número de votos a nivel nacional.
Answer: She wouldn't have been found.
The correct answer is C. Google the Jim Crowe laws and you will see why. ^w^
Which ancient culture is associated with this pyramid ?
Aztec (✔)