Answer:For me yes
Explanation: Because E-books don't take space in the bookshelf and it is faster to buy and read
What does Scout<span> find unusual about </span>Calpurnia's<span> manner of speaking at the Negro church? ... Atticus says </span>Aunt Alexandra<span> is doing him a </span>favor<span> because he cannot be home all day, ... </span>Aunt Alexandra<span> wants </span>Scout<span> and </span>Jem<span> to have pride in being a Finch, they should ... What question </span>does<span> Atticus </span>ask<span> the sheriff three times?</span>
Based on this excerpt, it is reasonable to conclude that neither twin could die because they were immortal gods. The excerpt tells us that none of brothers died, and also it points out that they are the creators that once stepped on separate paths. They are still alive, but not in the sense that we are used to think. Each one has its duty and now they both look at the world from different sides.