BecUse they could help support the government later on. Give them ideas, or teach them new things.
Hey bud, today was my first day at grad high (fake school name). When I first found out I would be attending here I was very nervous. I’m okay now, I met a few nice people who I sat with at lunch, they showed me around the campus too. I think I like it here
<u><em>She added these parts of Adolf Hitler and Anne Frank to show what else was going on in the world with Louie. It also showed what was going on at the time and how certain things affect the future of everyone</em></u>
Volcanic Activity.
The Hawaiian Islands were formed by such a hot spot occurring in the middle of the Pacific Plate. While the hot spot itself is fixed, the plate is moving. So, as the plate moved over the hot spot, the string of islands that make up the Hawaiian Island chain were formed.