Accused person have the right to request a witness to APPEAR IN COURT.
The Sixth Amendment of the United States granted some rights to an accused person and these include the right of the person to know the person or group of persons who have brought accusations against him. The accused also have the right to request that his accusers should appear in court and this request must be granted by the accusers.
The students and teachers, were effected by Socrates' (a famous greek philosopher) views on the teaching system and how he changed it. Socrates made it possible to have our modern teaching system where we interact with teachers. For example, raising your hand in class, asking questions, questioning the reason behind the answers given to you, etc.. All of which would not be considered the social norms back then, before socrates
This has resulted from the heterogeneous mix of the countries that are actually participated in. The Iraq and Iran were a member of this organization. There are a lot of concerns regarding the ideology, over the security of the borders, and even the internal security they were bothered by that.
It would effect you if you were in stocks, but also if you are not. Stocks are like supply and demand. So, if stock drop, there are a low supply, meaning they cost more overall. So if the stocks of, lets say, Apple falls, all Apple products will cost more due to the lack of the amount. Sorry this is so short, but that is the basic answer.