The economy
The external environment refers to the outside factors that can affect an organization's operations. One of those factors is the economy as changes on things like exchange rates, interest rates and taxes can provide opportunities or create threats for a company. According to this, the answer is that this represents the influence of the economy in the external environment on the organization as the increase on the interest rates didn't allow the company to borrow the money to build the plant.
A distributor is a whole seller nominated by a company to most times exclusively redistribute the company products to all retailers and institutions in a designated territory.
A distribution may be required under three circumstances:
-for entering into a new town.
-for additional coverage in the same town.
-for replacing an existing distributor.
The expectations from the distributors must be defined right at the beginning so that the perspective candidates can be advised and secondly to get the right kind of distributors.
Another operating room is needed.
The data collected by the consulting firm reveal that the existing facility does not fulfill the requirement due to more number of people so for this reason they have to build another operating room to quickly facilitate more number of people in less time. There are more number of people comes to the clinic as compared to previous years which compels the authority to build up new operating rooms for the convenience of people that comes for knee replacement.
Predatory pricing.
Predatory pricing is a strategy that is used by firms to gain customers, create barrier of entry from a market, or to drive competition out of the market. The firm prices it's products very low so that competitors cannot afford to sell at the same price.
This results in competitors going out of business. The result of predatory pricing is that there are few firms left in the industry, or there is establishment of a monopoly.