tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon.
tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon is phenomenon in which person try to recall and speak that word , but he is unable to retrieve and recall that word from memory. In such Person know that its sound, its initial but he is able to recall matching words not the actual words. In this Example Danielle also know the initial G but unable to recall from memory.
Hippocrates was a free resident of greek.
Since the past times, there has been one or more ways to divide individuals on the basis of religion, color or gender etc. and justify the inequalities among them without any proper scientific or social reasons.
When the different individuals from different basis come together the politics based on such inequality got thrashed down .
Many political and religious powers throughout the US consider such alliances dangerous as their whole politics and agenda are based on such divide and rule policies.
Probably use popsicle sticks for fences, paper clips for barbed wire, carboard for the places they lived in.
1. B Hitler's Nazi Party
2. A a king or queen rules the country
3. B he created secret police to help monitor opponents