The type of operations used for transforming plaintext to cipher text, the number of keys used, and the way in which the plaintext is processed.
A always pair with T and G always pairs with C.
Barriers to communication can be overcome by:
1. Checking whether it is good time and place to communicate with the person
2. Being clear and using language that the person understands
3. Communicating one thing at a time
4. Respecting a person's desire to not communicate
5. Checking that the person has understood you correctly
Compost is rich in organic nutrients
Though there's no question in the statement above I would assume that you are asking about the pH of the water that is acidic. The correct statement would be:
Any liquid that has a pH less than 7 is called acidic, a pH above 7 is basic or alkaline.
The water in the swimming pool has a high acid concentration due to the chlorine which causes the effect of redness in the eyes.