Through cells on the surface of its body and also through the orifice at the top of its head
- <em>Estrogen.</em>
- <em>Progesterone.</em>
- <em>Prolactin.</em>
- <em>Testosterone.</em>
<em />
<em>A/N</em><em>: hope this help </em>
The humerus and femur are joint bones, while vertebrae and carpals connect together to create a much bigger bone.
B) Diploid - Only Gametes are Haploid. Every other cells are somatic cells which are diploid. They contain 46 chromosomes rather than 23 that the haploid carry. Neurons and glial cells make up of the brain and that makes up the nervous tissue. Just remember Gametes (sex cells) are the only cells that are haploids.