The mitochondria is the power house of the cell it stores energy for the whole cell. :) hope this helps
The answer is mutation
of genes. The mutations were beneficial and gave the individuals of the population
advantage and hence increased their survival. The classic features of birds
evolved one by one and gave birds advantage over their dinosaurs counterparts, especially the feature of small size.
Animals ( or plants ) store solar energy as chemical energy between atoms of their molecules.
For example : ATP is phosphate energy bonds stored by animals in their molecules.
For more stable form animals also store energy in carbon bonds called carbohydrates. The most common e carbohydrates are starch, sugar and fats. Animals have enzymes to convert these forms of energy into actual form which they use for their activities like move, run or fly.
There are omnivores, carnivores, herbivores, and decomposes. Omnivores eat both plants and animals, carnivores eat animals, herbivores eat plants, and decomposers feed on dead material.