Revisado por: Larissa Hirsch, MD
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¿Qué es el oído y qué hace?
El oído consta de tres partes diferentes, que funcionan conjuntamente para captar sonidos y transmitírselos al cerebro: el oído externo, el oído medio y el oído interno.
El oído externo
El oído externo está formado por el pabellón auditivo (también conocido como "pabellón auricular" o "pabellón de la oreja") y el conducto auditivo. Los pabellones auditivos son las partes visibles que tenemos a ambos lados de la cabeza y están compuestos por cartílago duro cubierto de piel. La principal función del pabellón auditivo consiste en captar sonidos y conducirlos hacia el conducto auditivo, que conecta con el oído medio. Las glándulas de la piel que recubren el interior del conducto auditivo fabrican cera o cerumen, que protege este conducto, eliminado la suciedad y ayudando a prevenir posibles infecciones.
El oído medio
El oído medio es una cavidad llena de aire que transforma las ondas sonoras en vibraciones y las transmite al oído interno. El oído medio está separado del externo por el tímpano (o membrana timpánica), una fina lámina de tejido que va de lado a lado del conducto auditivo y que está fuertemente tensada sobre él. Los sonidos golpean el tímpano, haciendo que se mueva.
You are interested in obtaining Staphylococcus aureus for a study investigating the prevalence of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in the general population. You have received several samples and are ready to start your isolation procedures. Describe the personal protective equipment that would be needed and three different culturing techniques that can be used to obtain organisms to produce pure cultures. State if you use general or selective media and which specific media you would choose. How would you determine if the culture was contaminated? What is the first step you would take if you detected contamination?
Personal Protective equipment needed; No special precautions are necessary when working with methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus, staphylococcus aureus is a bio-safety level
Three different culturing media; to include;
- Etest Method
- Disc Diffusion
- Latex Agglutination.
Properly enriched selective media is used.
The most accurate method for identifying Merthicillin-resistant staphylococcus is to test for the presence of mecA gene by PCR.
The best specific media is latex agglutination test and oxacillin salt agar screen.
How to determine if the culture was contaminated;
It can be spotted by the turbidity of the growth medium or the floating branching mycelia, bacteria contamination can be detected under 10× microscope within few days of contamination.
Step to take if contamination is detected;
Biological contamination is a serious issue and being able to correctly identify different types of contamination is an essential first step in ensuring the safety of your culture.
The literature on methicillin susceptible testing is extensive, and often conflicting in recommendations regarding the most important method for routine use. this is partly because the various studies of phenotypic methods have included different strains, which may differ significantly in heterogeneity and behave differently under particular test condition.
photovoltaic cell convert light energy in semiconductor
Genes are segments of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) that contain the code for a specific protein that functions in one or more types of cells in the body. Chromosomes are structures within cells that contain a person's genes. Genes are contained in chromosomes, which are in the cell nucleus.
The answer is B.) rabbits