Lexington is British
Concord is US
But the US won the whole battle
hope this helps
The Mughal empire is conventionally said to have been founded in 1526 by Babur, a warrior chieftain from what today is Uzbekistan, who employed aid from the neighboring Safavid and Ottoman empires, to defeat the Sultan of Delhi, Ibrahim Lodhi, in the First Battle of Panipat, and to sweep down the plains of Upper India.
I hope that helps
1890s African Americans began working on subway Construction
Americans felt pressure to accuse others of supporting communism
B. Cuneiform, Sumerian
The cuineform writing style could be described as a wedge styled writing format which is usually produced by dipping stylus into soft clay in other produce the desired words to be written. It often represents a pictogram at the earliest as the Sumerian people of Mesopotamia have been credited with the invention and development of the cuineform writing system, which is one of the oldest writing styles as far back as 3000-3500 BCE according to history. The Cuineform writing system which is more aligned towards a pictorial representation rather was widely adopted at the time bybthe Mesopotamian masses before a shift towards the adoption of the alphabet format styled writing later.