The answer is A.
This is because facilities consist of infrastructure and an office building is an infrastructure.
El Espíritu Santo es el que nos revela la Palabra de Dios. Si nos acercamos a Él en oración y le pedimos que abra nuestro entendimiento a Su Palabra mientras la estudiamos, Él nos la enseñará. El crecimiento espiritual puede ser definido como simplemente crecer y madurar en nuestro conocimiento y relación con el Señor Jesucristo.
China's national cultural philosophy is based on the principles of Confusianism. Confucius was a Chinese philosopher that lived between the years 551 to 479 BCE and his teachings are central to the Chinese culture. He is also believed to have written some of the most important texts in Chinese history.
The nickname for U.S. soldiers in WW1 was known as "doughboys". There are many explanations for the nickname for the soldiers but the most common was that their uniforms would be coated with dust, so that they looked like they were made out of dough, or perhaps of adobe.
in order to have something
so that the country can be stable