No? Maybe.
I am feeling conflicted here. I want to sacrifice my life so others can have a better one, but I don't know if I am willing to sacrifice my life for random people/person.
To be frank, if the world was going to end and I had to die in order for that not to happen then I would most likely do it. But if I had to die so a small child wouldn't get killed by someone, then most likely not.
(There is a movie about this called, 'Circle')
Early Greek philosopher Anixamander (ca. 610 – 545 BC) was a monist. That means he believed that ultimately there is just one sort of substance underlying all the different things we see in the physical universe. He put forth the idea that this single underlying substance of all things is something beyond our experience. He called it the ἄπειρον (<em>apeiron</em>), which means "the boundless" or "the limitless." Anaximander was reacting to the views of Thales, a previous thinker from his same town, Miletus, who had suggested that there was one underlying substance to all things, and that <u>water</u> was that essential element. Anaximander objected to Thales' thought, because water is something we all see and experience readily in the perceived world. He believed any underlying or base-level substance, from which water and any other physical stuff originated, had to be something beyond the boundaries of our present experience, or "the boundless."
One evaluation of Anaximander's views came from another Milesian philosopher who followed him: Anaximenes. Anaximenes saw the theory of Anaximander as dodging the question, "What is the main ingredient of all things in the universe." By saying, "It's boundless; it's something we don't know," had he really answered anything? So Anaximenes dismissed the view of Anaximander ... but didn't agree with Thales either. Anaximenes proposed that air was the underlying element of all physical phenomena.
You'll have to decide for yourself what you think of Anaximander's "boundless" theory.
Answer:The Haitian Revolution has been defined by violence, where the American and French Revolutions were defined by liberty and freedom. This is ironic since they Haitian Revolutionaries arguably were also fighting for freedom, but from slavery as opposed to an oppressive government.
The answer is “D”
Hope this help.
On two levels, then, Washington Irving profoundly influenced the American Christmas. His melding of jolly St. Nick and an English commemoration of old into a wintry celebration of nostalgia attests to the rich cultural legacy bequeathed to us by this native New Yorker..