Ella es Japonesa
she is Japanese since she is from Japan
1. repito
2. repetimos
3. repite
4. repetimos
5. dice
6. dices
7. dicen
Irregular verbs in Spanish change the root, for example:
Verb "volver": "Yo volvo tarde a casa" is incorrect.
Say: "Yo vuelvo tarde a casa" it's right. We have the change o> ue
The people we and you DO NOT CHANGE.
* Verbs that have the change o> eu
"Dormir" —-> duermo, duermes, duerme, dormimos, dormís, duermen.
* Another example is "jugar". It also has a change: u> ue
* Other verbs change e> ie : preferir, cerrar, empezar
Nos is the answer.
There you go.