c. String
The equals method in java String class takes an object reference as a parameter. We can compare two Strings with the help of equals method of the String class. The equals() method of the java String class compares the given strings based on the content of the string.
Use of the String equals method:-
if (stringOne> stringTwo) it will return a positive value.
if both of the strings are equal lexicographically means
(stringOne == stringTwo) it will return 0.
if (stringOne < stringTwo) it will return a negative value.
It mainly just depends on if you "misuse" them.
Option 3: Counts the even elements in a.
The for-loop will traverse through each of the number in array, <em>a</em>. Within the for-loop, each number is modulus with 2 to check if it is equal to zero. Any number modulus 2 that result in zero is an even number. Based on this condition, the <em>x </em> count value will be incremented by one whenever an even number is detected from the array.
At last, display the <em>x</em> count value after completion of the for-loop.
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He could use bold or bigger text just a suggestion.