The rhyme schemes of the sonnet follow two basic patterns. (1) The Italian sonnet (also called the Petrarchan sonnet after the most influential of the Italian sonneteers) comprises an 8-line 'octave' of two quatrains, rhymed abbaabba, followed by a 6-line 'sestet' usually rhymed cdecde or cdcdcd. So false
Nouns are parts of speech used to identify and name a class of people, things, places. The nouns in this sentence are MOON which is the subject, CRATERS, and SURFACE. It can be easily identified if an article can be used before the noun
they should provide more things students can do and have some freedom instead of doing work all the time. let's kids do them own things sometimes and try to help kids more in education because some teachers fail to give a full explanation of what their assignment is. and try to stop bullying from happening bullying is happening a lot and teachers are always so busy and not looking out for other kids. the school should provide the students with things that will help them learn better. i could go on and on about this.
Reported speech
Indirect speech or reported speech is usually used to talk about the past.
Answer: extended metaphor