Rhode Island lacked a majority for any one faith, so the Rhode Islanders agreed to separate church and state, and believed that mingling church and state corrupted religion.
After world war 1 the United States wanted to isolate themselves from things like that because of how bad the war was. They went as far as to not join the league of nations that their President made himself with other presidents. After the Korean War, they decided to not isolate themselves and meddle as much as possible to prevent the spread of communism because it would strengthen the Soviet Union who was the main enemy.
Answer: Propaganda
When Abraham Lincoln said these words, he meant to show that the United States could not continue if the North and the South had differing opinions on slavery and that in the end only one view would stand. Seeing as he was a Republican which was a party opposed to slavery, we know what view he supported.
He therefore used the quote above as propaganda to push forward his views on the division in country.
Two groups of Celts from southern Europe invaded the British Isles. The Brythons (Britain) settled on the largest island, Britain. the second groups was called the Gaels; they settles on the second largest island, now called Ireland. The Celts were farmers and hunters.