The injunction from TED talk on the need to speak for yourself without fear of intimidation parallels with the belief of the Navajos People. In the story of the Code talk, it reveals how a young boy was prompted to go learn the lifestyle and language of the Japanese so that he could defend them. He was also tasked never to reveal his sole intention by speaking in codes- the Navajos' language, among the Japanese.
3. You should leave spaces between sentences so that you have room to write/type information later
"Birmingham Sunday" by Richard Farina and "Ballad of Birmingham" by Dudley Randall are both WRITTEN AS SONGS.
Both songs tell about the 16th Street Baptist Church Bombing that happened on a Sunday, 15th September 1963. "Birmingham Sunday" discusses the death of four girls, while "Ballad of Birmingham" focuses on the death of one girl.
The bombing of 16th Street Baptist Church was an act of terror against African Americans in Birmingham. It was said that the Church was the meeting place for civil rights leaders like Martin Luther King, Ralph David Abernathy, and Fred Shutterworth.
B. They funded good distribution in remote regions
Answer: I suggest to right about teaching or something similar
Explanation: many teachers dont use scarces well