The flag of the United States of America from 1861 to 1863, with 34 stars for all the 34 states.
<span>Imagine if you are part of a smaller country, and a country with a different culture from yours starts to change the way your country runs to be more like them. How would you feel about it? Cover both good things and bad things you feel.
some ideas to write about:
Talk about how you'd feel as though you were being robbed of your country's independence.
Talk about how it relates to the US and the Latin Americans
Talk about You'd feel like they've taken power away from you.
Vegan diets mean it is declining from using or eating any animal products. When someone is on a vegan diet he/she should only eat fruits and vegetables but for the children, vegan diets must be planned carefully because otherwise if it’s not planned carefully they may not be provided with enough calories. Which the mere fact a 1-year-old child needs about 800 calories per day.
The Outer Banks is a series of barrier islands that jut out off the coast of North Carolina
Australia should because they can make more cell phones a day and it costs less for them to do so.