A LAN is connecting two or more computers to form a cable network between them.
<span>A WAN is connecting two or more computers over a broad area to form a cable network between them.</span>
Run code, and then check the code
Pros: are doctors are able to educate themselves in order to diagnose a patient, it's fast and convenient to put in records, medical facilities can transfer information from different locations etc.
Cons: the system can breached, this could leak health and personal information from patients, and the power could go down, delaying the use of signing in patients and etc
The program in Python is as follows:
first = int(input())
second = int(input())
third = int(input())
s = first * second * third
This prompts the user for first input
first = int(input())
This prompts user for second input
second = int(input())
This prompts user for third input
third = int(input())
This calculates the product
s = first * second * third
This prints the calculated product