Encima del escritorio hay libros, libretas y papeles. Mientras que al del escritorio hay botes de basura. Finalmente, atrás hay una pizarra.
The question asks “What’s on top of the desk? And beside it? And behind it?”. The answer says “On top of the desk there’s book, notebooks, and papers. Beside the desk there are trash cans. Finally, behind it there’s a board”
Hope this helps!
1. Yo doy una fiesta
2. Jaime y yo traeremos regalos
3. Marcos dirá a qué hora es la fiesta
4. Carmen y Marcos pondrán la Mesa
5. Ella va a aspirar
Im sweating of hotness what do i have
La muralista <span>habrían</span> mejorado el aspecto de esta pared si hubiera pintado niños jugando.
'The muralist would've improved the aspect of this wall if she/he would have painted children playing.' - translation in my own words.
I hope this helped - Maria S.
La sombra because those are shades for the glasses