he had power, money, and influence
it was through the distraction the Napoleonic Wars gave Spain, France that made the British Navy blocked access to the New World, so ties were cut and authority weakened or absent. Colonies learned they could make it on their own. This encouraged the New World colonies to rebel against their colonial masters and seek independence.
u deniably, the Middle East has numerous issues that cannot be summed up in a column. Some issues, however, have a broader reach than others — they not only influence governmental policy, but also affect the everyday lives of the people that live in the region. I believe there to be three issues that are the top sources of all the major conflicts in the Middle East.
The Middle East, which geographically largely consists of desert, has serious issues with water consumption. To combat this problem, many desalination centers process salty water from the ocean, resulting in water that is adequate for consumption. In fact, Nature Middle East, a Middle Eastern scientific journal, holds that 70 percent of the world’s desalination plants are located in the Middle East. The desalination process, however, is environmentally problematic since leftover salt is often pumped back into the ocean, destroying marine environments. Water issues have caused not only environmental, but also monetary concern for Middle Easterners; in Jordan, the cost of water has increased by 30 percent in the past 10 years, according to a report by The Water Project. The water dilemma is incredibly important to the region and is a central cause of quarrel among countries. The Middle East also needs to focus on this issue because at the current rate of consumption, the Emirates Industrial Bank predicts United Emirates alone will deplete its water resources in less than 50 years.
A territory must reach a population of 60,000, at which time one delegate for every 1,200 residents must meet in convention to decide if statehood is desired. Louisiana was the first state west of the Mississippi River and part of the Louisiana Purchase to seek statehood. In most cases, the organized government of a territory made known the sentiment of its population in favor of statehood, usually by referendum. Upon acceptance of that constitution, by the people of the territory, and then by Congress, Congress would adopt by simple majority vote a joint resolution granting statehood.
Originally colonized by the French during the 18th century, it became U.S. territory as part of the historic Louisiana Purchase in 1803, and was admitted to the union in 1812.
hope I answered your question!!!!