It was more efficient to slaughter the cattle in Chicago and ship the carcasses to the East, rather than send live cattle east by rail, carcasses could only be shipped during the cold winter months
Smooth road bc the others might enforce some type of friction on the ball cause it to go slower
The North was a more industrial type area with many factories and company's. This means that htey did not have any demand for slaves because they did not forego any argricultural work. However they didn't think much of slavery until they realized how harsh the conditions were. Once they saw that they didn't want to be apart of the south which lead to the Civil War
John Wycliffe was important to the Protestant Reformation, because he was seen as one of the "beginners" of the Protestant Reformation, and believed that an individual's interpretation of the Bible will lead to holiness, not the Church's view of receiving sacraments and that this was a frivolous luxury that the Church used to make money. John Hus is important because he is considered the first Church reformer and believed and proved the moral failings of bishops, the clergy and the papacy.