Stomata<span> (the word </span>stomata<span> means "mouth") are small pores found in the leaves of the plant that helps in gaseous exchange during photosynthesis and</span>respiration<span>. </span>Stomata consist of two types of cells, the stoma or the pore and guard cells
<h3>There are various reasons for which a person likes traveling. Maybe you like to see new places and explore locations you have never seen before. Maybe you like looking at beautiful landscapes. Alternatively, perhaps you are interested in the culture and traditions a certain nation has. The latter is not as common as the first ones, but it is a legitimate reason to travel across the world. Some people are just curious to see what is like to live in another country. Some nations have a unique way of life, something that you do not see every day. Certain traditions have been kept for hundreds or thousands of years. Those are the ones you want to see. To witness such things, you must know which cultures hold them. Below you will find a list with ten destinations where tradition is put on a pedestal. You will have a lot to learn from the people you find there.</h3>
definitely False
A megalopolis contains more than one metropolis
Mutations, gene flow, and sexual reproduction are all major causes of variation. By altering the genes of individuals in a population, DNA mutation causes genetic variation. As new individuals with different gene combinations migrate into a population, they cause genetic variation.