What is a declarative, exclamatory, and interrogative sentences?
2 answers:
Declarative: I went home. Exclamatory: I love you! Interrogative: What's your name?
<span>declarative = </span>a statement in the form of a declaration Exclamatory = Has an exclamation point at the end of a sentence usually Interrogative = is a sentence that ends with a question mark (interrogator or interrogation)<span />
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Answer: </h2><h2>
I thou ght of pudd ing . </h2><h2>
I asked some q uestions abou t it from mummy and here was her res ponse : </h2><h2>
combine sugar co r nstarch and salt . </h2><h2>
And stir in milk . </h2><h2>
Stir till mixt ure thic kens . </h2><h2>
Pour into moul d and let it chill until firm . </h2><h2>
We tried to prep are : our fami ly and I . Consisting of the cook , helpi ng hand and food hyper . </h2><h2>
recipe for custa rd : Whip eggs sugar and corns tarch tog ether in a bowl till sugar dissolves . </h2><h2>
Set saucepan on a low heat . </h2><h2>
Pour in egg mixt ure slowly and whiski ng constantly until custa rd thickens . </h2><h2>
for calcuim and proteins as it con tains milk . </h2>
<h2> </h2>
1)A. 2)A. 3)C. 4) C & D. 5)A. 5 and 6 are the same question
I am not 100% sure, but I would say that the sentence which best describes the theme of this work is A) People aren't always what they seem.
This quote means to me is that we may hear what is being said but fail to grasp the message that comes along with it. It comes from one ear and goes the other.