Penelope, the weaver, is a literary reference to fidelity.
While Odysseus is absent, Penelope is pretended by several men, who settle in the palace and nastily eat her banquets, while waiting for the queen to choose one of them. To maintain her fidelity, Penelope tells the suitors that she will accept a new husband when she finishes weaving a shroud for King Laertes, on whom she was working. To prolong this task as long as possible, Penelope undoes at night what she weaves during the day, however, a woman betrays her an tell the other men, so she is forced to finish the job. Odysseus returns just in time, killing the suitors .
By involving the narrator with an odd cast of characters <span />
Total income and expenses.
A budget is a financial plan used for the estimation of revenue and expenditures of an individual, organization or government for a specified period of time, often one year. Budgets are usually compiled, analyzed and re-evaluated on periodic basis.
The first step of the budgeting process is to prepare a list of each type of income and expense that will be integrated or infused into the budget.
Hence, before you prepare a budget, the most important thing you must know is total income and expenses.
The final step to be made by the management of an organization in the financial decision-making process is to make necessary adjustments to the budget.
Furthermore, the benefits of having a budget is that it aids in setting goals, earmarking revenues and resources, measuring outcomes and planning against contingencies. Thus, it is typically used by various organizations or companies due to the fact that, it's tied directly to the strategy and tactics of a company on an annual basis. Also, it is used to set a budget for marketing efforts while anticipating on informations about the company.