The cell membrane structure is very important because everything alive has cell membranes. The model used to describe the cell membrane is called the <u>fluid mosaic</u> model.
Secondary succession
When a previously occupied area gets colonized by a new dominant group of species or communities, this is known as secondary succession. In secondary succession, new residents take the place of earlier groups in a habitat that has been affected by an ecological disturbance.
The original organism is called the <u><em>parent (ancestor)</em></u> , and new organisms are called the <u><em>offspring</em></u>.
Reproduction is one of the characteristics of life. Every living organism tends to give rise to another organism. The organism which gives rise to another organism is termed as the parent. The organism which is born is known as the offspring.
There are two basic methods of reproduction. An organism can give rise to another organism by the method of asexual or sexual reproduction.
During asexual reproduction, identical copies of the parent organism are made. During sexual reproduction, two organisms reproduce to produce non-identical offsprings.
It ensures that the two daughter molecules are exact copies of the parent molecule.
Prokaryotes are the organism that came earlier than eukaryotes on this earth. These prokaryotes do not have a nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles like chloroplast, mitochondria, Golgi apparatus, endoplasmic reticulum, etc.
So as prokaryotes lack membrane-bound organelle their genetic material is not enclosed in the nucleus therefore their genetic material remains in the cytoplasm of the cell while eukaryotes have membrane-bound nucleus in which their genetic material are present.
So the nucleus is the major organelle that prokaryotes are missing that eukaryotes have.