Magnification can be calculated using a scale bar. ... Magnification = scale bar image divided by actual scale bar length (written on the scale bar).
This zone is called as the zone of aeration. It is present between the earth's surface and the water table, and its main constituents are the soil and rocks. The pores which are present in this zone are partly filled with water, and may mix up with air, causing aeration.
This is a simple multiplication question.
200kWh × $2/kWh = $400/200kWh
We are worried about the top number, because that is how much it costs the family to use 200kWh of electricity each month.
Final answer: $400 for 200kWh.
well most people havent seen everthing on amazon
1. Slash and Burn agriculture refers to a technique of farming that requires plants in a forest or woodland to be decimated to create a cultivable expanse of land.
Some of these plants are usually homes to wild chimpanzees. The more they are cut down, the deeper into the forests they would migrate, that's if they ever find a place like it.
2. When compared to the other primates such as monkeys, baboons, etc their larger body size, puts them at a disadvantage. This is because when they are placed in a restricted space, they need more food which in turn translates to increased height and weight.