I just watched this movie so I can help. His secret life is his constant state of daydreams. All the time he viewed himself as a hero but never did anything about it. Then when the guy in the mountains I forgot his name lol lost picture 25 and Walter had to get it, he saw it as his time to do something about it. His life is secret from the rest of the world. He’s always being awkwardly snapped out of daydreams by his crush or the mean boss (Adam Scott, don’t know the characters name).
1, 2, 3 and 5
The correct ones are 1, 2, 3 and 5
1 -He used this phrase in order to inspire listeners to do something about those situation.
2 -He demanded action from black and white people as well. That segregation and discrimination should stop. But It is important to clarify that he was referring to non-violence action.
3- To explain racial differences. Because he said "we" referring to Negroes. Also, he explained all the terrible things that only black people suffered.
5- Martin Luther King did not lie about Negroes situation in those times. He told the atrocities and cruelties they suffered.