Scarcity of resources. The European countries and Japan didn't have all the resources they needed in order to keep up industrialization and a few other reasons. They resorted to taking over other lands in order the "cheaply" obtain the resources.
It keeps one branch of government from becoming too powerful.
The citizens back then were from Britain and they hated how their king had ALL THE POWER. Therefore, they have made up checks and balances so that a branch doesn't seem tyrannic.
The economic situation in Germany briefly improved between 1924-1929. However, Germany in the 1920s remained politically and economically unstable. The Weimar democracy could not withstand the disastrous Great Depression of 1929. The disaster began in the United States of America, the leading economy in the world.
I like how the tea bag turns to a different color under like 15-20 secs.
I like how if you don’t mix the honey it will just sit in the bottom of your cup forever.