- Cierto
- Falso, no hay carritos y las compras se pagan a cada vendedor individual.
- Cierto
- Cierto
- Falso
- Cierto
- Las Ramblas de Barcelona are wide avenues.
- In La Boqueria you must not choose a cart at the entrance, but you pay the entire purchase at the end.
- There are different types of ham, according to healing and the region.
- Barcelona offers a variety of fresh seafood because it is a seaport.
- In Spain most shops close at noon for half an hour only.
- Bakeries are open every day except Sundays.
It depends on what you are indicating.
Verb Comer
I eat : Yo como -O use for I
I drink juice: Yo bebo jugo
You eat: Tu comes. -es ending
You drink juice: Tu bebes jugo
He/She eats: El/Ella come -e for the ending
He/She drinks juice: El/Ella bebe jugo
We eat: Nosotros comemos -emos for ending
We drink juice: Nosotros bebemos jugo
They eat: Ellos/Ellas comen -en for ending
They drink juice: Ellos/Ella’s beben jugo
PS: beber is to drink
For ir verbs it is similar
I: -o ending
You: -es ending
He/She: -e ending
We: -imos ending
They: -en ending
Took a lot out of me
Hace viento I'm not sure, did the teacher gave the alternatives ?