Whaling- New England
Indigo farming
- Southern colonies
Grain farming - Middle colonies
Tobacco farming- Southern colonies
mosquitoes breed in stagnant water. in October and November, Frost's came and froze the water and stopped the breeding of infected mosquitoes.
The Zimmerman note and unrestricted submarine warfare by Germany
The Zimmermann Telegram was a note from German official to offer military alliance between Mexico and Germany. President Wilson understood the diplomatic relation and broke off the relation and decided to enter the WWI.
Germany was repeatedly attacking U.S. by submarine warfare in the Atlantic that killed ore than 120 U.S. citizens on May 7, 1915 that provoked outrage in the U.S. to participate in WWI.
Hence, the two reason are The Zimmerman note and unrestricted submarine warfare by Germany.
Arianism is the religion who forcefully and confidently believed that Jesus Christ is a son of God and who is begotten by God. The teachings of Arianism was first taught to Arius, a Christian man in Egypt in AD 256- 336. As per Arius, the God the Father and the Son of God do not come always together.